Our exclusive matching services start at $200, including up to 6 personalized matches.
Talk to us on WhatsAppWe guarantee that all client information and feedback provided to us pertaining to dating in our private client meetings will be safe-guarded and vigorously protected.
Talk to us on WhatsAppWe guarantee to utilize all our available resources to thoroughly screen all individuals who participate in our matchmaking services, so that we can ensure as best as possible that our events are comprised of quality individuals.
Talk to us on WhatsAppWhether it’s a minor adjustment or a comprehensive effort, we’ll listen to your requests, and prepare a customized plan tailored to fit your needs to find the matches you seek after signing up.
Talk to us on WhatsAppWe carefully match individuals based on their unique preferences, values, and goals, creating a foundation for lifelong love and connection
Our matchmaking packages begin at $200.
You can consult us, ask questions and make enquiries for free.
Years of experience
No amount of money could get us to compromise our authenticity and core beliefs. If we don’t believe we can help you, we'll refer you to someone else.